Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Beautiful Wife

My wife is such a babe! We had so much fun taking these pictures. Mindy wanted some prego pics before Krew arrives and so Michelle, Ryler and I went with her to this fun place in Lehi that has all these great back drops for picture taking. I think the pictures turned out amazing and I think Mindy was happy with them too. She is so beautiful even just days before giving birth to her second child. So amazing! She has been so unbelievably amazing throughout this whole pregnancy. I've never been pregnant and never will be but I imagine it's uncomfortable, difficult, and not always fun. But you'd never guess it to watch Mindy. She never complains, works 11 hour days regularly and that's just making money for our family at the salon. She keeps the home in tip top shape, runs more errands than I care to think about, keeps our clothes clean and bellies full, manages our troublesome finances and still has the presence of mind to let me know where I should be, when I should be there, and why I'm going. I literally would not survive without her! Thank you for everything you do sweetie. It's one thing to do it all when life is easy and everything's running smoothly, but to do it throughout your pregnancy with things being as difficult as they can be and life throwing us one curve ball after another is just amazing. I mean there's really not enough praise I can give you because no matter how much I thank you you continue to do more and more and I will always be in your debt. Thanks for being the most amazing wonderful wife and mother you can be. You are so awesome!!

1 comment:

Branden and Mindy said...

Wow wait a minute are talking about Mindy Bingham? She's not that great! Hunny I love you! Your the best there is! Your amazing and thank you for all you do for our family!