Thursday, July 22, 2010

What A Day

I think it's time to call it a night! What a wonderful and long day. Krew took his sweet time coming out but it was so worth the wait. The poor little guy had respiratory problems and was taken away from us and put on oxygen for the first few hours. They said he was just "transitioning" and not to worry but they weren't very convincing. He came out really white and pretty purple. They said he went from not breathing enough to breathing way too fast. After about 3 hours he had made a full recovery and I was able to wheel him back into our room where Mindy fed him for the first time. He latched right on and sucked down as much as he could handle before falling asleep for the night. What a rough day for our little Krew. He got to meet his brother briefly too which was so awesome! They're going to be best friends for sure! Poor Ryler was a little weirded out about his mommy being in a hospital bed and wheel chair though. All in all it was the most perfect day anyone could ask for. Surrounded by family and loved ones Krew Robert Bingham came into this world and into our lives and he could not be more of a perfect angel. Now that he's washed up and has some color and the swelling's gone down he looks EXACTLY like Ryler did as a newborn. It's crazy! Thank you family for your love and support and food! ;) Thank you Krew for bringing such an unimaginable peace and happiness into our lives. We love you little buddy and welcome to the family!

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