Saturday, January 30, 2010

Greatest Guy's Night Ever!

I asked my brother Justin if he wanted to go to the Gravity Slashers freestyle motocross event the other night and we decided to turn it into a guys night out. We went to dinner at the most amazing bbq joint with sweet potato fries that are absolutely to die for!! Then we headed downtown for some hardcore high-flying freestyle motocross action! Our seats were amazing and by complete coincidence they were right in front of our other brother Jared! That was about the coolest thing. Then we bailed a little early and caught the late night showing of Avatar in 3D! It was Justin's second time but my first and that movie shook my world! Stunning! And the 3D was truly out of this world! We were going to finish off the evening with some Modern Warfare 2 but the movie got out after 1am so we called it a night. One heck of a sweet guy's night out! Gotta do more of those.

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