Saturday, January 30, 2010

Greatest Guy's Night Ever!

I asked my brother Justin if he wanted to go to the Gravity Slashers freestyle motocross event the other night and we decided to turn it into a guys night out. We went to dinner at the most amazing bbq joint with sweet potato fries that are absolutely to die for!! Then we headed downtown for some hardcore high-flying freestyle motocross action! Our seats were amazing and by complete coincidence they were right in front of our other brother Jared! That was about the coolest thing. Then we bailed a little early and caught the late night showing of Avatar in 3D! It was Justin's second time but my first and that movie shook my world! Stunning! And the 3D was truly out of this world! We were going to finish off the evening with some Modern Warfare 2 but the movie got out after 1am so we called it a night. One heck of a sweet guy's night out! Gotta do more of those.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sometimes I Hate My Life!

They say nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels. I'm on the verge of testing that theory right now!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ryler's First Real Snow Day!

We had so much fun. Uncle Justin pulled Ryler and Turin around on sleds behind a bike! They were lovin' it!

My First Tool Box!

Ryler's going to be spending a lot of time in the garage working on cars if his Ganma and Ganpa have anything to do with it, so we thought we'd better get him started early! I think he's ready!

Friday, January 22, 2010

I Still Love Daddy... Kinda

So Ryler's new thing is to freak out when Mindy leaves for work, when she goes upstairs, when she goes to the bathroom, when I pick him up from my Mom's... Pretty much anytime he's left alone with me he screams and cries uncontrollably. This is obviously not a picture of that but it helps remember the good times when I was his favorite! I'm sure he still sorta loves me, he just has a funny way of showing it ;)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another Day At The Office

Hahaha, so Tuesday nights at the church have evolved somewhat. I now have Ryler crunching numbers and setting up appointments while I just take it easy. He love sitting up to the desk and banging on the keyboard but he'll freak out if he doesn't have the mouse in his other hand. How does he know how to do all this!?

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ok, if Blogspot has a limit on all caps characters and exclamation points I'm for sure going to be pushing it over the top. I am now the proud owner of a brand new sexy black Xbox 360 Elite!!! I sold my old 360 and used the money to buy the 120GB hard drive Elite! Keeping a very long story short (my thumbs can only handle so much) I needed a bigger hard drive so I could burn my games directly to it because the game I play more than anything was having troubles that were known to be common but were easily fixed my installing it to the hard drive. Anyway, now I have all my games installed and they run SO smoothly and the system runs whisper quiet and barely even warms up. Love the new black look, love the big hard drive, love the feel of brand baby new in my hands. I'm so pumped out of my mind it hurts to think about it!