Friday, August 28, 2009

I Love My Wife!

All the times I've posted about things I love and the good things in life, I just have to take a minute and say how much I love my precious wife!! What an absolutely amazing woman. She works so hard for our family. Not just the 60 hour work weeks she puts in but the running of the house, keeping things in order, keeping me in line, raising our family in righteousness and being about the best mom, wife, step-mom, daughter, daughter-in-law, and friend anyone could ever ask for! I don't know how I ever functioned in life without her and now that I have her I know I never would be able to. She is such an incredible example of hard work, generosity, kindness, responsibility, charity, and representing everything that is good. Standing firm for what you believe in, overcoming adversity at all costs, and setting and accomplishing lofty goals. I can't express in words what you mean to me precious so it's silly to try. Thank you so much for everything you do. I would be nothing without you. I love you!!


Justin and Lindsay said...

So sweet and so true!

Branden and Mindy said...

Hunny you love me, aw! Your amazing and thank you! I love you so much! Thanks for all YOU do!