Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Tradition

Kicking off the Christmas season in the usual way. Polar Express by the freshly lit tree with cookies and hot chocolate!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Fun Never Stops

The simplest things in life are so much more fun with these guys.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Midnight Picnics

This has become our little tradition to have Del Taco or Taco Bell picnics in bed at midnight! Hahaha, seriously something we look forward to all week!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thank You, I Love You

In the word of Buddy the elf, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!! Kinect is one of the greatest inventions ever. Admittedly I was skeptical and even unsure if I really wanted one. Now that I have one I don't know how I would live without it. I was worried I would play it for a while and then just go back to playing Halo or Gears. My experience has been quite the opposite. I try playing my favorite hardcore games and can't stand the fact that all I'm doing is pushing buttons on a controller when I could be putting myself in the game literally controlling every move with my body. I'm literally dripping in sweat after 30min of playing. I wake up sore but can't wait for more. Mindy even loves it and if you know her you know that's a huge deal! I would love to get into detail about everything I love about the four games I have but my thumbs get tired and I'm wasting time sitting on my butt emailing when I could be playing Kinect!!

My Tech Junkie Wife

When did Mindy get so techie? New iPod, BlackBerry, new laptop. Kinda makes me super extra jealous!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lookie What I Can Do

Krew's out growing and out muscling his swaddle.


Ryler loves to do "arms" with Froo.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


This dude couldn't be happier.... Or fatter ;)

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Holy War Begins

Ryler gettin' ready to throw down right there in the store. Settle this one on the field boys.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Reason #1 why I'm grateful I have a garage. Also reason #1 I'm not happy I didn't pull into it last night!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa's Helper

Our little reindeer boy.

Hey Froo

Hahaha, if I haven't mentioned it already Ryler calls Krew "Froo". Probably one of our favorite things he says.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Go Utes!

Future O-lineman right here.

All In A Night's Work

Boy is it the weekend or what? What started out as a simple trip to the store turned into a shake-run and then a dollar menu dash followed by a last second mozzarella stick craving! By the time we got home we forgot we went grocery shopping!

My Bro

Just another Saturday morning hangin' with my boys. They're getting more fun by the minute. Ryler can't wait til Krew can really play with him.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gaming Update

So there's a lot going on in my own little personal world of gaming. But I'd rather spend my limited time playing rather than writing about it. But briefly reviewed: Halo Reach is insane! Just sick silly awesome! First round of DLC is well worth the pick up too. Probably three of the top five maps for the game. Black Ops is nasty fun and replayability is pretty much unlimited. Trials HD came out with a hugenormous DLC pack called Big Thrills, and it's pretty much just that. Freaking love that game! Best use of MS points I've ever made. I'm super bumed that my all time favorite franchise has pushed the release date for Gears of War 3 back until November of NEXT YEAR! Somebody chainsaw me! But in the meantime I've talked myself into loving Kinect as a way to get the family involved and possibly some day approving of my gaming ways. It's on my secret wish list for Christmas so we'll see what Santa brings. Until then it's Game On!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Lately I've gotten better at distracting Krew from his normal fussing routine until Mom can come to his rescue. It's fun for me and buys me some valuable play time.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rock Star!

Could a 2 year old be any more hard core cool? In a word, no.

Thanksgiving Drive

Headed to Logan for the Hunsaker family Thanksgiving. Nearly 100 people in attendance. From sushi to rock climbing to service projects there's truly nothing like our Thanksgiving celebrations. This was one for the record books, and Krew's first!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hey Baby

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I don't think words can describe what's going on here. Dude kills me!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mr Giggles

Me and Krew are getting along much better now. I think he's forgiven me for whatever I did to make him treat me that way. Hahaha, now all the kid does is laugh and smile and make the cutest noises. The pink bumbo was donated by the way. We're not trying to covert him to my pink loving ways.... Yet

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So Far So Good

Took Ryler and Krew to church by myself today and Krew was perfect and Ryler was a champ too! What a blessing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Marshmallow Boy

Seriously, this dude can't get any bigger! I'm nervous for the teenage years. I'll need to take out a loan to buy food for this kid!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soon Enough

Soon these guys will be sharing a room and hanging like this all the time. Probably my favorite part of being a kid was sharing a room with my brother Sean. I'm so excited these guys will have the same opportunity!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The First Gift of Christmas

So this totally kicks a bell or pajamas' butt! Mindy couldn't wait til Christmas to give me this one so it's an early gift. I love it for obvious reasons but it's serious sick cool! Thank you Santa's little impatient helper :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bingham Boys

I hope that when you hear that phrase in the future it will be for good things. (Don't tell Mindy but I also hope you'll hear Bingham Boys associated with their fair share of mischief)

Mama's Boy

Krew truly is a Momma's boy through and through. He can go from screaming to calm if she just walks in the room. Kinda cool they're tight like that. Makes it hard when Mom's not around though cause Dad just doesn't cut it!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can't Get Enough

Seriously can't take enough of these "precious moment" pictures. This is what makes having a family so great. I'm sure we'll miss these moments when these guys grow up and start punching each other instead of hugging.

Sleepy Head

I'd take yawning over crying and screaming any day. Me and K-boo haven't been seeing eye to eye lately so it's nice to see this and remember why I love him. Hahaha

Thanks Dude

In some countries I'm sure this is how you show you enjoyed your meal. Krew must have LOVED his!