Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gaming Update

So there's a lot going on in my own little personal world of gaming. But I'd rather spend my limited time playing rather than writing about it. But briefly reviewed: Halo Reach is insane! Just sick silly awesome! First round of DLC is well worth the pick up too. Probably three of the top five maps for the game. Black Ops is nasty fun and replayability is pretty much unlimited. Trials HD came out with a hugenormous DLC pack called Big Thrills, and it's pretty much just that. Freaking love that game! Best use of MS points I've ever made. I'm super bumed that my all time favorite franchise has pushed the release date for Gears of War 3 back until November of NEXT YEAR! Somebody chainsaw me! But in the meantime I've talked myself into loving Kinect as a way to get the family involved and possibly some day approving of my gaming ways. It's on my secret wish list for Christmas so we'll see what Santa brings. Until then it's Game On!

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