Saturday, July 31, 2010

Backyard Chillin'

We love hanging out in the backyard at night. The weather is perfect for it and Ryler loves it. I think Krew likes the warmth too.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Rough Week

Poor Krew had to get tested 3 times this week with a violent foot prick and some serious blood drips. He took it like a champ though. A furrowed brow is about as bad as it got.

2 Peas In A Pod

Ryler always has to be holding Krew's hand or holding him or sitting next to him or laying by him. It's so stinkin' cute! Not sure what the belly button obsession is all about though.

Shootin' Hoops

Ryler loves helping build things. We put together his awesome new basketball hoop and as soon as I put it up he says "shoo hoops"! A dad couldn't be prouder.

Box Boy

We really only buy toys for the boxes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pool Day

Today is Mommy's birthday and since she can't go to the pool yet we brought the pool to her! The weather wasn't ideal but the four of us had a blast hanging together outside in the backyard.

Close, But Not Quite

Ryler loves helping change Krew's diapers. He always throws them away for me when I'm done in the pantry garbage can. Apparently the pantry door was shut and this was the next logical place. He's got the right idea though.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Best Buds

Ryler LOVES his little brother. First thing he asks for every morning is the baby. This morning he was making kissing noises before I even walked in to get him because he wanted to give the baby a kiss. Wherever Krew is Ryler has to sit right next to him and from time to time touch his hair and say "soft" and then poke him in the eye. We're working on that part. He also always wants to hold him for just a second or whoever has them he says "help you" and puts up a hand to help carry Krew around. One thing's for sure, Ryler loves his baby brother!

Takin' Care of Business

Ryler got a new laptop.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Our "Special" Dinner

So they've fancied things up a bit here since we had Ryler. They now offer a dinner for two with a number of delectable choices. We went with the steak, with steamed veggies, baked potato, italian rolls, and green salad with a creamy raspberry vinaigrette. For dessert an amaretto and chocolate moussecake. And trust me, it was even better than is sounds! Steak was marshmallow soft and potato was to die for! What a great idea and a fun first (and last for a long time) date night for the new mommy and daddy.

Krew's Television Debut


Breastfeeding Class

Yipee, we're taking a breastfeeding class! I just hope I'm not going to have to do a live demonstration in that empty chair! At least we get a cool free bag out of it. There was actually a ton of useful information that we didn't already know or was a nice refresher.

Good Morning World

Little Krew is all ours! After some quality nursery time he's glad to be with his Mommy and Daddy today.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What A Day

I think it's time to call it a night! What a wonderful and long day. Krew took his sweet time coming out but it was so worth the wait. The poor little guy had respiratory problems and was taken away from us and put on oxygen for the first few hours. They said he was just "transitioning" and not to worry but they weren't very convincing. He came out really white and pretty purple. They said he went from not breathing enough to breathing way too fast. After about 3 hours he had made a full recovery and I was able to wheel him back into our room where Mindy fed him for the first time. He latched right on and sucked down as much as he could handle before falling asleep for the night. What a rough day for our little Krew. He got to meet his brother briefly too which was so awesome! They're going to be best friends for sure! Poor Ryler was a little weirded out about his mommy being in a hospital bed and wheel chair though. All in all it was the most perfect day anyone could ask for. Surrounded by family and loved ones Krew Robert Bingham came into this world and into our lives and he could not be more of a perfect angel. Now that he's washed up and has some color and the swelling's gone down he looks EXACTLY like Ryler did as a newborn. It's crazy! Thank you family for your love and support and food! ;) Thank you Krew for bringing such an unimaginable peace and happiness into our lives. We love you little buddy and welcome to the family!

Krew Robert Bingham!

Happy Birthday Buddy! Born 6:39pm July 22, 2010. 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long! What a STUD!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Starting To Push!

Should be about 30 minutes away!

Sterilized And Waiting

The room's been sterilized and readied for delivery. Mindy's starting to feel pretty cruddy so we must be getting closer right?

I'm An 8!

Dilated to an 8. Krew should be with us in less than 2 hours! Man we went from a 1 to a 3 in like 6 hours and from a 3 to an 8 in about an hour!


Status update: Completely thinned out and dilated to about a 4. Nurse is estimating a possible early evening delivery. Maybe between 6 and 7 tonight. It's all fairly unpredictable though. We've been going from BlackBerry to blog to laptop to camera and back. What did we all do before technology? Enjoy each other's company? Yuck! ;)

More Visitors!

Hooray, Mindy's mom and dad came by to hang out. We've been here about 6 hours now and it can get a little boring. Mindy's pretty excited to spend some time with her parents. We both just miss Ryler so bad right now. Come on Krew, let's get goin'!

Gonna Be A Bad Week

My mom brought me some of my favorite things! A whole box of Zingers, a Butterfinger, a Reeses peanut butter cup, and a bag of Reeses pieces with some candy cigars to celebrate with! And I had hope to not start eating junk at least until the weekend. Oh well. How can you say no to a Zinger?

Grandma Stopped By

Yeah! Grandma came by to visit with balloons and flowers, a card and all kinds of goodies! Mindy's been saying, when is your mom going to be here so I can have someone else to talk to? She was half kidding... I think.

Gathering Strength

Resting up before the big "push". Which, by the way, shows no signs of being anytime soon.

Sweet Heaven

Mindy's getting her epidural. She's got so excited she curled up in a tiny ball. The best part is she doesn't have to get up to go to the bathroom anymore! Haha

All Juiced Up

Got the petocin flowing now and contractions are pretty regular. Time to get the party started! Now if we could just dilate more than a 1+!

Looking "Fresh"

When we got here the attendant said "You must be one of my inductions. You just look so fresh." It's a whole different ball game when it's scheduled like this. Mindy got all purtied up and we were so over prepared it got boring.

We're Here!

Just checked in and the room is all ready for little Krew! This is where he will be born. They've got the little cart with the baby tray in here and the weigh machine and all that good stuff. It really didn't seem real until we got here and the smell immediately brought me back to when we were here for Ryler less than 2 years ago! So crazy and so exciting. Buckle up!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Beautiful Wife

My wife is such a babe! We had so much fun taking these pictures. Mindy wanted some prego pics before Krew arrives and so Michelle, Ryler and I went with her to this fun place in Lehi that has all these great back drops for picture taking. I think the pictures turned out amazing and I think Mindy was happy with them too. She is so beautiful even just days before giving birth to her second child. So amazing! She has been so unbelievably amazing throughout this whole pregnancy. I've never been pregnant and never will be but I imagine it's uncomfortable, difficult, and not always fun. But you'd never guess it to watch Mindy. She never complains, works 11 hour days regularly and that's just making money for our family at the salon. She keeps the home in tip top shape, runs more errands than I care to think about, keeps our clothes clean and bellies full, manages our troublesome finances and still has the presence of mind to let me know where I should be, when I should be there, and why I'm going. I literally would not survive without her! Thank you for everything you do sweetie. It's one thing to do it all when life is easy and everything's running smoothly, but to do it throughout your pregnancy with things being as difficult as they can be and life throwing us one curve ball after another is just amazing. I mean there's really not enough praise I can give you because no matter how much I thank you you continue to do more and more and I will always be in your debt. Thanks for being the most amazing wonderful wife and mother you can be. You are so awesome!!

A Fair Time

I took Ryler to the Steel Days fair in American Fork because we always drive by it and he gets so excited! Well we walked around it for about an hour checking out all the rides and he totally loved it. It was 6 bucks to go down a yellow slide on a burlap sack so we didn't do much more than watch other people spend their hard earned money. But we had a great time doing it!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Haz... Bungie Day Flaming Edition!

How many years have I been waiting for this? Feels like all my life! Not only do I have the coveted Recon helmet, but for one day and one day only the good souls at Bungie decided to allow us the blessed privilege of firing up our headgear as only Bungie employees have been able to in the past! Too bad our internet was down and I couldn't even play one game with it on! :( At least I got this great picture.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Battle Boogie

I won this totally awesome boogie board for Ry-guy that shoots water from an on board cannon! Ryler likes it so much he took it for a spin in the driveway.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Giddy As A School Girl

Ok so without going too much into it I was able to trade up in the world of geekery and got myself the new Xbox 360 S for my 32nd birthday! I know, so mature right? Well that's not half as bad as the reality that sometimes I will just sit and stare at it and not even turn it on and it makes me feel warm and happy all over! 250GB hard drive, built in WiFi, and sexy as it wants to be. You're looking at daddy's little baby!

Our New Play Place

We stumbled upon the American Fork pool by total accident, and while we feel like complete traitors to our peeps in PG it's become almost a weekly stop for the family! They have a big red water slide that Ryler LOVES, and a fun water park that he's sometimes not too crazy about. But we have a blast every time with mom's picnic lunch and all the sun and water we can handle.