Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas... Bah Humbug!

What a Christmas. One for the journal, or blog as it were. Might go down as the worst Christmas in history! Poor Ryler had strep throat and an ear infection, then on Christmas Eve he had an allergic reaction to his medications and had to be taken to urgent care (shown here). He was pretty much miserable the whole weekend and we just felt so bad for him. But the best was yet to come. Christmas afternoon Mindy started feeling sick. She ended up throwing up for 12 straight hours on 10 minute intervals! It was unlike anything I've ever seen. I mean she couldn't keep a sip of water down for more than 30 seconds! Not fun :( Turns out her dad was hit with the same thing, as well as my dad, my brother, and my mom. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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