Friday, August 28, 2009

I Love My Wife!

All the times I've posted about things I love and the good things in life, I just have to take a minute and say how much I love my precious wife!! What an absolutely amazing woman. She works so hard for our family. Not just the 60 hour work weeks she puts in but the running of the house, keeping things in order, keeping me in line, raising our family in righteousness and being about the best mom, wife, step-mom, daughter, daughter-in-law, and friend anyone could ever ask for! I don't know how I ever functioned in life without her and now that I have her I know I never would be able to. She is such an incredible example of hard work, generosity, kindness, responsibility, charity, and representing everything that is good. Standing firm for what you believe in, overcoming adversity at all costs, and setting and accomplishing lofty goals. I can't express in words what you mean to me precious so it's silly to try. Thank you so much for everything you do. I would be nothing without you. I love you!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

BBQin' With My Buddy

This is almost a nightly tradition for me and little Ry-guy. Daddy bbq's up some marinated chicken with veggies and Ryler makes faces at me through the door. Delicious food and a lot of fun.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another Day, Another Park

The weather was too cold to go to the pool so we found a fun park instead! We had a blast and Ryler loved going down all of the slides and playing with his big sister. He loves her so much. He's just constantly following her around and trying to be by her. It's pretty cute.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Playin' At The Park

Some fun time at the park together before it starts to rain! And now that Dad's not as fat he can climb all over the playground like a little monkey! Like a 185lb monkey! ;)

I Love My Phone!

I was just thinking about that, as I do many times a day, and realized with all the posts I've done using this phone I've never done one about my phone! I just love it! Everything about it. With all of the bad experiences and let-downs I've had with other phones, finding one you love is a real treat! I've had this one for a year now and have yet to find something I don't absolutely love about it. The email, internet, texting, pictures, multimedia, and now BlackBerry Apps make this thing impossible to put down! I'm on it far more than I should be and I'm sure it's annoying to my poor wife but I can't help it. I'm addicted! I understand now why the call them "CrackBerry". Anyway just thought I'd show some love for this beautiful bad boy!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family Picture Taking

Tonight we took family pictures and it was SO much fun! At first it didn't look like it was going to happen because the weather was terrible! But it stopped raining and the wind stopped blowing just enough to get some great picture taking in. Some of Mindy's friends took the pictures and even made a video! They took us to 3 great locations, all perfect for taking pictures. Mindy picked out all our outfits and made sure we were looking our best. Madison and Ryler were so dang cute! Madi is such a poser and Ryler is next to impossible, but I love his energy. I think it will be a lot of fun to go through all of the pictures and pick our favorite ones.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yeah!! Madi's Here!

Princess Madison is in town again and we're SO excited! Today she went to Gramoo's and there was this way fun message in sidewalk chalk for her. She had tons of fun and tomorrow we get to take family pictures together! I can't wait for the next week with my princess :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lookin' Good

I was talking on the phone with Madi and she said she was lookin' crazy. I told her to send me a picture. I see now what she meant. Hahaha, she's lookin' good though. Such a precious princess.

I Can Do It Myself... Kinda

Ryler's new thing is that he doesn't like to be fed anything! He will take whatever it is out of your hand and do it himself. Especially if a utensil is involved. As you can see he sometimes has a hard time finding his mouth.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Center of Attention

I took Ryler to one of Mindy's glitter toe parties and he was the hit of the party! He loved the attention too. He just gets all hyper and smiley, starts talking like crazy. He was lovin' this cooler too. Just kept opening and closing the lid. He threw up a couple times and once was a real good one right on Grandpa, but that didn't slow him down. Nothing did! Towards the end of the night all the people and all the attention got him pretty riled up. He was an animal. Haha, I love it!

Poolside Snacks Are The Best

Another Saturday at the pool. I think Ryler's favorite part is snack time. He loves graham crackers by the pool. Almost as much as he loves being in the pool. I love our time swimming together. Ryler already loves to jump off the side to me and splashes around like crazy. He even loves going underwater! My little fish boy.

Momma's Boys

Mommy's been working a lot and so me and Ryler always take pictures to send her so she doesn't miss us too much. We sure miss her though. Especially Ryler.