Monday, December 28, 2009

Table Time

So one of Ryler's favorite parts of his new room is his Cars card table and chairs. He's found a number of uses for it but none brings him as much joy as climbing to the top and just standing there. Hahaha, you gotta love this kid!

Ryler's Rockin' New Room!

So the biggest and best thing that came out of this year's Christmas is Ryler's new room! Making way for the new baby it was time to get Ryler set up with some big boy gear. Everyone played a part in putting together this masterpiece. Thanks to great grandparents and their generosity Ryler looks like he just won an extreme room makeover challenge. We had so much fun putting up all his new stuff and assembling his new toys. And Ryler was just beside himself with excitement. It's become his favorite place in the house. He can just play all day in there. Now we'll have to start working on getting him to sleep in there ;)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas... Bah Humbug!

What a Christmas. One for the journal, or blog as it were. Might go down as the worst Christmas in history! Poor Ryler had strep throat and an ear infection, then on Christmas Eve he had an allergic reaction to his medications and had to be taken to urgent care (shown here). He was pretty much miserable the whole weekend and we just felt so bad for him. But the best was yet to come. Christmas afternoon Mindy started feeling sick. She ended up throwing up for 12 straight hours on 10 minute intervals! It was unlike anything I've ever seen. I mean she couldn't keep a sip of water down for more than 30 seconds! Not fun :( Turns out her dad was hit with the same thing, as well as my dad, my brother, and my mom. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Friday, December 18, 2009

New Baby Gummy Bear

Well the big news has been out for a little bit but this is our first glimpse of the little guy or girl. For anyone who doesn't know, Mindy is pregnant!! We are SO excited! We told everyone on Thanksgiving and have just been getting ready ever since. Can't wait for another addition to the Bingham family.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So we set up Christmas and it looks beautiful as always. The best part is Ryler can't even walk by the tree without sitting down and staring at it with his mouth wide open going WOOOOWWW! It's the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Goodbye KY :(

My good buddy Kirk Yuhnke kissing the Beehive State goodbye and moving on to bigger, better, and hotter things! He went to Phoenix to be ABC 15's main morning anchor! Mindy and I are SO happy for him and Katie and Graham. He's gonna rock that place!

Bingham Family Christmas Party

Ryler and Turin had a blast playing together at the Bingham Family Christmas party! Jut and Linds (Turin's parents) couldn't come because they had Justin's work party so we Turin and it was SO fun. Turin pretty much followed me around all night, which I loved, and had me hold his hand the whole drive there. Turin loves his Uncle Branden, but can you blame him? ;) I just have to make sure Ryler knows he's still #1

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our First Netflix

So we decided with as much as we love movies it was time to try out Netflix. The fact that you can stream them live directly to the Xbox is a huge plus! We love watching full seasons of 24 and it can get costly renting every disc so this could be the answer we're looking for!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Best Friends

Love these two!! And Ryler sure loves his Mommy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Live By The Creed!!

Second midnight release in a row and the last game I'll get for a very long time. This time I was #21 and barely had to be in the cold even though I dressed like I was going to the North Pole. I have so much fun geeking out for these things. My favorite is going home and loading up whatever the new game is for the first time. The graphics and gameplay on the game are unreal and there is so much to do and explore. I have to say thank you so much to my sweetie for getting me my favoritest games for my birthday! I had so much fun anticipating these and now that they're all here I am having SO much fun playing them. THANK YOU!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Snow

Woke up to a bunch of the white stuff this morning. I think Ryler will have a lot of fun experiencing the snow this year. I have grown to really hate the cold but snow can be fun sometimes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Being A Good Husband

So this is what I did instead of watching the nationally hyped Utah v TCU game! A fun night out with the wife at Chilis and the Christmas Gift Expo. Turned out to be just fine considering how badly and how quickly the Utes got pounded into dust!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Modern Warfare 2!!

Another wildly successful midnight release! There were more than 200 people at this one and I was number 106. That lucky number won me a sweet poster in a raffle. I don't know what I'd ever do with but hey, I still won a freakin' sweet Modern Warfare 2 poster!! It was absolutely freezing outside and by the time I got the game I couldn't feel my fingers! But the action quickly heated up when I got home and manned the gunner mounted on the humvee! This game is so sick insane it's unhealthy!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Haz Recon!!

Sad to say this is one of the greatest days of my life!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cutest Skeleton You Ever Did See

Ryler was a glow in the dark skeleton for Halloween. Not super original but I can guarantee there were not cuter skeletons out there!

New Halloween Tradition

I've decided that it will be a family tradition every year to watch Beetlejuice on Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Roughin' It

We set up the tent in our front room (obviously) and watched Disney's Haunted Mansion! We also made the most amazing caramel apples before we started the movie. Then me and Madi had a sleepover. What a fun night!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Little Guitar Hero

Ryler is a little rockstar learing on his fancy new electric guitar while Dad whales on Guitar Hero Metallica!

Friday, October 23, 2009

$3 Steak Dinner

I repeat, a delicious $3 steak dinner courtesy of our friendly neighborhood Macey's! The steak is out of this world and you get a giant baked potato and a drink to go with it! You have to wait in line for about an hour but it's SO worth it! Me and Madi had some steak while Ryler downed two hot dogs for only 50 cents! What a deal. I love our grocery store, as silly as that sounds. There were all kinds of games and play areas set up with more free candy and donuts than you can imagine. Madi got her face custom painted with a pair of adorable lady bugs! The whole neighborhood turns out so it's a great time with friends and fantastic food! The only thing that would've made it a million times better is if Mindy could've been there. Like always, she was working :(

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween Fun

We had so much fun when Madi was here. Mindy came up with some of the greatest Halloween activities. One of them was decorating our very own gingerbread haunted house! Scary, and yummy :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sick Little Boy

Poor little Ryler got sick as a dog. He was hatin' life. We were both grateful for this short moment of peace.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Strange Things Are Afoot

The crazy stuff that I see at work on any given day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Back To School

Ryler loves strapping on the little backpack and running around the house. He always heads for the garage door and tries to open it. Not so fast little buddy!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gettin' A Feel For It

It's been predetermined that Ryler is going to be a football star. Right now he's just kinda feelin' it out.

Friday, October 2, 2009

175 And Lovin' It!

After reaching my original goal of 195lbs and then achieving a new milestone with 185lbs, I'm proud to say I've far surpassed my ultimate goal and am resting comfortablly now at just under 175lbs! What a ride it's been. Started off hoping to just get under 200lbs and with the success I was having I just didn't want to stop. I'm all done now though and just want to find ways to stay right where I am.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fantastic Family Vacation

So there's far too much to say about one amazing family vacation, so I'll leave that up to my wife who's putting together an extensive post on our family blog. We went to San Diego to celebrate Madison's 7th Birthday! (Can you believe it? 7!) There were some ups and downs with poor Ryler who was always tired and probably overheated most of the time. But all in all it was a great time. The highlight for me was going to Madi's school on our last day. Watching her in her element with her friends was everything a dad could ever ask for! Happy Birthday Madi and we love you so much. Can't wait to see you again in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saying Hello To An Old Friend

While we were in California I came across an old friend at the Gamestop on the Universal City Walk. Say hello to Master Chief!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best Buds

Ryler is absolutely loving having his cousin Turin back in town. They are becoming best friends in the world. It is so fun to watch them chase each other around and copy what each other does. I can just sit back and watch them for hours.

Special Treat

I got to babysit Turin for like an hour! It was SO much fun. I love this kid so much. He's such a stud and I'm pretty sure he's starting to love his Uncle Branden :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ODST Baby.... ODST!!!

The wait is finally OVER! Went to the midnight release of the new Halo game and needless to say the cast of characters was interesting and not too diverse. Thankfully Justin went with me and we had a total blast. We rushed home and played for a few hours. The game is insane and I'm lovin every second of it!