Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So as if getting my tooth fixed wasn't expensive enough, I decided to run into a parked car and get cited for it in the process. Double awesome! Stupid immobile objects. Why can't you just stay out of my swerving ways?! Thankfully it looks a lot worse than it was. The other car barely had a scratch.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Finally x2

First of all we finally have an In N' Out! And secondly we finally went there! The lines have been out of control so we decided to fight the masses and get our own double doubles! Well mine was a 3 by 3 and Justin's was a 4x4! Thankfully though, Ryler will not have to grow up without this deliciousness.

Such An Amazing Kid

There's nothing in life that Ryler doesn't just take in stride. We moved him into a big boy bunk bed a little early in life so we could get the nursery ready for Krew. He made about 10 minutes of noise the first night and went right to sleep. He's been sleeping peacefully each night and afternoon ever since. In fact he loves it in his new bed!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Killer Park

Justin and Turin introduced us to this amazing park just down the street that we never knew about! We had so much fun.

First Picture

My last picture taken with the Curve and my first picture taken with the new Tour. Wow, what a difference. Of course both are equally adorable.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The New Hottness!

It was time for an upgrade and I couldn't help but stick with the BlackBerry! My Curve never let me down and the Tour 9630 is everything I'd want and much much more!! Absolutely love this phone!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Creepy Much?

Dude really? This baby monitor is freaking me out! Doesn't help that Ryler acts possessed half the time anyway.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Expensive Crack

Awesome, I apparently had a cracked tooth which required a root canal and a crown. Not cheap :( At least Ryler seems to be loving it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tired Fun

I think Ryler and Madison had more than enough fun with Grandma today!