Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chillin' In Our PJ's

Just another day in paradise with my best buddy :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010


How can you say no to this face even if he is asking for more treats after not eating his breakfast and downing half a bag of tropical flavored marshmallows?!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two, Threeee!

So Ryler's figured out the sequence of 1,2,3 and knows that after 3 something fun and exciting always happens. All you have to do is say "1" and he'll finish off the rest with a "do, treeee!" With an extra emphasis of excitement on the TREEE!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Old School Romance

Our ward had a neighborhood Valentine's dinner/dance and the men were issued the challenge to ask their wives to the dance in a creative way. As you can see I arranged Ryler's toys to read "Will You Go To The Dance With Me" and threw in a big hug from Bobby Banana to boot! Mindy came home from work and thought I'd left a huge mess for her to clean up until she realized it was just the first cute gesture her hubby's made in the last 3 years or so ;) I think the whole thing was supposed to be a contest with the other husbands in the neighborhood, which made me want to do it even less, but sadly only 2 other husbands even did anything. Sure made me glad I did!


Ryler's doing the cutest new thing. Everywhere we go he says hi to everyone who walks by. And not just once but usually like 30 times! Hahaha, hi hi hi hi hi! It's pretty hilarious.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Kid Is Too Much Fun!

Seriously, this is the only kid I know who's always happy, always laughing, and always making others laugh! He could not be more fun to be around! We'll keep our fingers crossed that our next kid will be half as fun! I think we're due for a challenge because it's been way too fun and enjoyable so far.