Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fantastic Family Vacation

So there's far too much to say about one amazing family vacation, so I'll leave that up to my wife who's putting together an extensive post on our family blog. We went to San Diego to celebrate Madison's 7th Birthday! (Can you believe it? 7!) There were some ups and downs with poor Ryler who was always tired and probably overheated most of the time. But all in all it was a great time. The highlight for me was going to Madi's school on our last day. Watching her in her element with her friends was everything a dad could ever ask for! Happy Birthday Madi and we love you so much. Can't wait to see you again in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saying Hello To An Old Friend

While we were in California I came across an old friend at the Gamestop on the Universal City Walk. Say hello to Master Chief!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best Buds

Ryler is absolutely loving having his cousin Turin back in town. They are becoming best friends in the world. It is so fun to watch them chase each other around and copy what each other does. I can just sit back and watch them for hours.

Special Treat

I got to babysit Turin for like an hour! It was SO much fun. I love this kid so much. He's such a stud and I'm pretty sure he's starting to love his Uncle Branden :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ODST Baby.... ODST!!!

The wait is finally OVER! Went to the midnight release of the new Halo game and needless to say the cast of characters was interesting and not too diverse. Thankfully Justin went with me and we had a total blast. We rushed home and played for a few hours. The game is insane and I'm lovin every second of it!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Ah Ryler. Gotta love him. This is probably less than 4 minutes after I had just cleaned the room up and put away all of his toys.

Chillin' With My Boy

Me and my buddy just hangin' together after a nice long nap.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some Sunday Fun

We went up to Bridal Veil Falls for a Sunday afternoon walk and took our camera for some fun pictures. We had such a good time.