Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Huge Fan

Ryler LOVES swimming! He has a Lightning McQueen floatie that he rides around in. Like most kids he loves to splash and just go crazy, but he also likes to throw his face into the water, come up choking, laugh, and then do it again. He's so funny. We figured he would love swimming because he was actually delivered during one of Michael Phelps' gold medal swims. He was born for this! Haha

Not A Fan

Ryler is so funny, he hates the grass! He keeps his hands off it and tries to lift his legs so they don't touch, then he just balances there waiting for someone to rescue him. It's hilarious.

Happy Father's Day!

Mindy secretly did this photo shoot with Ryler at the Gateway and surprised me with it for Father's Day! I bawled like a baby! I am such a sissy ;) It was the most meaningful gift I've ever been given and I will never forget it.

Breakfast In Bed? Not Bad!

What a way to start Father's Day! Breakfast in bed from my wifey with my little champion by my side. Little did I know the day was about to get even better!

Love That Red

Utes put the new turf down recently. It's a thing of beauty! Not sure what to expect this season. Last season will be a tough one to follow but I can't wait for it to start!

Is This Heaven? No!

Before I got old and busted I might have polished off both these bad boys! Not anymore :(

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pants Are For Suckers

I like livin' wild and free!

Gone Surfin'

Big Surf Island baby! And it's every bit as awesome as I had hoped and even more.

Somebody Save Me

Mom decided to give Ryler a nice little combover. Poor little guy.

Best Day Ever!

My precious Wifey got me the greatest gift of all time! A brand new lunch box! I could not be more excited. I love it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another Day At The Office

Greetings from news control. Is the show over yet?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun In The Sun

Madi having a blast at the beach! Wish I was there with you princess.

Too Cute, Too Funny

Hahahaha, seriously this kid cracks me up!

Who Needs Toys?

Ryler loves hanging out in the kitchen. He's moved from tupperware to pots and pans.

Draper Temple

Our temple was closed for cleaning so we went to the new Draper Temple instead. It was a lot of fun.

Another Tuesday Night

Ryler makes a pretty good companion on Tuesday nights. Everybody loves watching him get into everything. I love my little buddy.

My New Buddy

Playing with Dad was getting boring so he made me a new friend!

Makin' Friends, N' Playin' With Girl Toys

We were invited to a neighborhood bbq last Monday and Ryler was able to make some new friends and play with some Dora toys. His favorite moment by far was when the dog's tail knocked him over. He laughed his head off!

Mother's Day Garden

I promised Mindy a Mother's Day garden and we took the day off to put it in together! It turned out awesome. Not to get too cheesey but I love my little wifey so much! We had a really fun day.

Cut Me Mick

Ryler's first major owie, and under Dad's watch :( Sorry buddy. He's so hardcore he cried for about 6 seconds then he was right back on the same cupboard door that busted him open. Crazy little dude.

How Awesome Is This!

Full size, heavy duty, replica Lancer. $100 though? Nice thought.


We went and surprised Mommy at work because she was working a really long day and Ryler missed her pretty bad.

There's Gotta Be A Way

Ryler's trying to figure out a way around the security gate. I believe he'll find one.

I'll Have The Footlong

We went on a walk to Sonic for some drinks, but Ryler was perfectly happy gnawing on his foot.

The Grass Is Going In

The common area across from our place is finally getting grass!! Can't wait for some fun summer picnics at the playground.