Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hangin' With Grandma

Just chillin' in the backyard while grandma mows the lawn. What a great day :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Coming Home To Heaven

I just got done working an overnight shift and this is what I came home to. I can't imagine a more precious sight. I love these two more than anything!

Tuesday Nights

Ryler loves going to the church with Daddy on Tuesday nights. Mostly he likes to bang on the metal chairs and crawl into all the open rooms. His favorite place is by the glass door though. I love taking my little buddy with me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lunch Time

Not the vegetable medley again :(

Bottles Are For Babies!

Sippy cups are for big boys!

Mother's Day Fun

We had a luau at our house for Mother's Day. We invited our Moms over for dinner and fun. Mindy made it way awesome! It was so well put together. She's an amazing Mother and daughter, and a pretty good wife ;)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring Is Here

Ryler and I had a great time getting ready for Mother's Day. He loved watching Dad mow the lawn from his comfortable shade. We had the funnest day together and he was perfect the entire day. I guess he always is really but I just wasn't able to give him all the attention he likes cause we were gettin' things tip top shape for Mommy

Call Me Jump Man

Ryler decked out in his new Jordan gear. What a balla!

Ryler's New Favorite Place

Why do we even buy toys?

Temple Day!

What an amazing experience! We truly love and look forward to temple night together at least once a month. It does wonders for the relationship. We already can't wait til next month. What a great date idea :)

Too Many Oreos

Boy Mindy's lost some weight! Either that or she borrowed the "before" pants from that Jared the Subway guy.... Oh no wait, those are mine :(

Ryler The Destroyer!

Ryler has become quite curious these days. And he is much stronger than I give him credit for. That used to be a bolted down sliding cd storage shelf.

My New Truck

Ryler loves his new truck! He flips it over and spins the wheels.

Jiggady's Last Meet

Justin's last run as a Cougar. We have some great memories of his track days.

So Cool

Check me out Daddy-o

Whatcha Got In There?

Bath Time Is So Much Fun

Ryler loves to splash and play with his bath toys

April Snow Showers

Come on! You're kidding right?

Laundry Fun

Where'd he go?

I'm A Big Boy Now

Ryler's loving to stand these days.
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Hoppy Easter

3rd Anniversary!

So this was way back on April 8 and you'll have to check the Family Blog (brandenandmindy.blogspot.com) for a rundown of that day's events including being sealed in the temple as a family! I don't have those pics on my phone but check out the family blog for that. This was where we spent the night at Castle Creek Inn in the Romeo and Juliet suite. All planned and set up by Mindy. Very romantic :)