Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Check out this little pimp daddy! Stylin' in his three piece. What a freakin' stud!

Make Way For The Champ

We went to witches night out at Gardner Village with Turin and Justin and Lindsay (more pics to come). Turin and Ryler wore matching outfits. I thought Ryler looked like a fighter getting ready for battle. A very cute fighter.

Unsuccessful Tummy Time

The little guy doesn't really get into tummy time. Haha, poor guy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Never Let Go

The little guy got about a million shots yesterday and I got to spend the day helping him be comfortable. He was the perfect angel and fell asleep holding onto my finger with both hands! I didn't want him to ever let go.

Emergency Grocery Run

Mindy and I have started doing this dinner thing where we alternate nights to make fun dinners. Monday was my first night so Ryler and I went on an emergency run for pineapple slices for my pineapple, chicken, and steak kabobs! They turned out ok :)

The End Of An Amazing Week!

What an incredible week with my precious son! I had the week off of school so we were together every single day! He was the perfect angel all week and we had some of the greatest times together. He cuddled with me every day and it just felt like I could understand what he was trying to communicate to me when he would be fussy and I was able to make it better. Might seem like no big deal to a lot of people but it was a monumental miracle for me. A week I will never forget!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More Birthday Fun

Madison had these pictures on her family blog and they were just too cute so I had to steal them and post them on mine! I had such a great time playing games with Madi and getting to know all of her friends. We all had a big time SpongeBob birthday blast!

Daddy's Delightful Day

Monday was the most incredible day with my precious son! In the past, for whatever reason, Ryler has always had a hard time with me taking care of him. Mindy says he's always pretty good for her and for our moms, but when it's Daddy's turn he usually spends hours on end in inconsolable crying fits. But yesterday was like a whole new world. He slept peacefully and cuddled with me for hours and hours. Even when he was awake he was just being cute and fun. I couldn't stop staring at him and thinking about how happy he makes me or how much I absolutely love him! It was a real treat and I can't wait to spend some more quality time with him again today.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Napping With My Buddy

There really is no better feeling in this world than this right here! It's amazing how much you can love something.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Saying Goodbye Is Hard To Do

Sadly, Sunday afternoon my birthday celebration trip came to an end. It's never easy to say goodbye but this time was especially hard! We just had so much fun and got to be just the two of us for most of the time. We played some fun games in the front yard before I had to leave for the airport and Madi even gave me a beautiful flower :) It was so hard and so sad to say goodbye. I love my princess so much! I wish we could be closer all the time. But we had one of the most fun weekends together we've ever had. Happy Birthday my big 6 year old princess. Daddy loves you!

Chuck E Cheese's

After we got bored of the beach, wish we coulda gone swimming, we decided to go to Chuck e Cheese's. It was fun. We had pizza and burned through tokens. I just love spending time with my princess! :)

Moonlight Beach

On Sunday morning we went to the beach just down the street from Madison's house. It's one of my favorite beaches ever. Being there makes it hard to not pick up and move out. We pretty much just walked around and played silly games with candy. We played at the park a little bit too. Madi was being so funny it cracked me up!

Crazy Madi!

Madison convinced me to go on this crazy wild roller coaster at SeaWorld. What she didn't tell me, or I didn't fully understand her warning, is that you get completely soaked! It's the first thing we did for the day and we were still wet when we left that night! Madison was SO brave! She smiled the whole way and when it was done she said, let's do that again!

Saturday At SeaWorld

After Madi's birthday party we went to SeaWorld for some serious fun! We ate lots of treats, watched the belugas swim, pet the starfish and sting rays, walked with the sharks, poked fun at the polar bears, spun in circles, climbed rope walls, slid down slides, and saw Shamu rock out! What an awesome day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

SpongeBob Party!

Madison celebrated her 6th birthday with a ton of friends! She is so liked by everyone and it's easy to see why. We had a great time climbing rocks, holding secret meetings, eating pizza and sheet cake, and of course PRESENTS!!

So Hollywood

Madison loves posing for pictures! :)

California Is Always An Adventure

We headed over to the California Adventure park which also had a Halloween theme. We pretty much just got to watch their parade before they shut it down for a special Trick or Treat party. We still had loads of fun though!

One Wild Ride!

Me and Madi on Splash Mountain. I acted as her human seat belt. She was SO excited to go on this one. When it was all done she said she wanted to do it again :)

Disneyland Dad

Trying to live up to my name of Disneyland Dad I took my princess to her castle on Friday. We had SO much fun! The whole park was Halloween themed, which was pretty cool. She told me she wanted to do all the fast rides and no baby rides. So we hit em all! Including Pirates twice!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Busted Plane

On my way to San Diego this morning to see Madison and celebrate her birthday. We've got a full day planned and not much time to get all the fun in. And now we'll have even less time because apparently there's something wrong with our plane and they have to get a new one. Must have been some hair gel on board. Thankfully security confiscated mine! Flying just isn't what it used to be.