Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Today is Princess Madison's 6th birthday! I talked to her on the phone and she sounds like she is having the time of her life! It makes me really sad that I can't be there celebrating with her, but we have the most fun weekend planned! Disneyland on Friday, a birthday party with friends and SeaWorld on Saturday, some sleepovers, and of course treats, toys and lots of laughs! I can't hardly wait! Happy Birthday Princess. Daddy loves you! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Ryler's Baby Announcement

Check this out! Madison's Aunt Tiffany made this amazing baby announcement for Ryler. What an amazing job. We are so proud to tell the world about our little Ryler! Who, by the way, is not so little anymore. The dude's huge!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Sunday At Church

Today is the first time we took little Ryler to church. Hopefully his immune system is strong enough to fight off the thousands of baby sniffles in our ward. He screamed the whole way to church, which is like 2 minutes. But I can relate to that feeling ;) He's been sleeping peacefully ever since we got here though, so we'll see if he can hold for three hours. Hopefully not. Hahaha, kidding!

Costume Shopping

Mindy's been all over town looking for Ryler's first Halloween costume. Pretty much it's a pea pod or...a pea pod. So Saturday we hit BabiesR'Us and found a couple other options. I like the pea pod personally but we went with a cool kangaroo, which we both liked the most. Ryler's cousin Turin modeled some of the costumes for us. He's gonna be Tigger!

Come See How Good I Look

We had some fun taking pictures at Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Justin's, aka Turin's crib. Madison's Aunt Tiffany is making a super sweet baby announcement from this picture and another one. It was tough to choose cause so many turned out great! Easy to do when you're a total stud like Ryler :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

That Was Some Good Milk Man

I think the little guy's been hittin' the bottle a little too hard.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

43 Days 1 Hour 7 Minutes Left!

Let There Be Rock!

Bring on the Rock! Bought this with credit card reward points, and to make it even sweeter I scored a free Rock Band 2 T-shirt!! Does it get any better than that?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Couple of Babes

Can you imagine anything more precious? Baby Ryler is such a cutie, and his mom is a total babe!

Sunday Nap

There's really nothing quite like a Sunday afternoon nap!

My Saturday With Daddy

Saturday was great! We played games, took naps, and watched football! Daddy even cleaned the house a little and did some of my laundry. Gosh Mommy, you sure married a winner ;)

My Famous Dad

Page 2 of Wednesday's Money section in the Tribune featured a familiar face. My Dad!!

Diets Suck!

So I decided to start a diet on Wednesday and set a long term goal of losing 30lbs by Christmas. Wouldn't you know it, day one and someone drops off this giant case of delicious goodies to work! I stayed disciplined and didn't eat anything, but that didn't stop Hertzdogg!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Handsome Devil

Sunday was the annual Walk About in my parents' neighborhood. As the name indicates the neighborhood hits the streets greeting people as you walk around eating homemade treats in people's driveways. We took Ryler on the walk and he was the hit of the party! Started to scream towards the end so had to b-line it back to the house. For the most part he was the perfect trooper. Both parents and grandparents couldn't have been prouder!

The Challenge

You're kidding right? That was my first thought when BanditKingDan and BiggsOrange issued the Team Doubles challenge to myself and CB34. Based on the serious nature of the challenge CB and myself figured it was necessary to make a statement. Statement made.

One Sweet Saturday

What a nice day. Mindy went on a little shopping spree for some back to work clothes which put me on baby patrol. Ryler was an absolute angel and slept most of the afternoon in my arms while I got some great Gears time in with my brother Justin. After hours of sawing Locusts in half it was on to some prime time college football, little guy still resting peacefully! Finishing the day up with a fun family walk for a little dinner out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sonic Run

We took the little guy on a walk to get a delicious slush. He was pretty good the whole way. It actually started to get a little cold so we decided to head back early.

A Rare Treat!

It seems our little Ryler has developed acid reflux :( So that means a lot of violent crying and not a whole lot of sleeping. He sure is cute though when he finally gets comfortable enough to relax a little.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy 90th Grandma!

Today was Grandma's 90th birthday and everyone came out from across the country to the Maddox restaurant in little Brigham City to celebrate. In true Hunsaker fashion there was huge, well thought out, and thorough program that included singing, slide presentations, original poetry, and other various tributes. It was great to see everyone and hopefully we can all get together again soon. Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Daddy's Little Champ

Anything you can do he can do better! Hahaha

Mommy of the Year!

Little Ryler is never happier than when he's cuddled close to his mommy. She has been and is the most unbelievably amazing mother! Ryler is one lucky little boy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Say What?

Smarty Pants

Little Madi showing her brainier and zanier side all at the same time. What a cutie!

Birthday Buddies!

Uncle Sean met Ryler today for the first time! This is Sean's idea of posing for a sentimental picture. Haha, nice try though. These guys have the same birthday. They're both pretty stoked about it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Draper Fire

Scary stuff for people in Draper. Dan Evans sent me these pictures from his cell phone. The fire actually came pretty close to his house. He spent the afternoon reporting on it from his front yard. I was pretty excited to flex my Blackberry muscle and forward the pics on to the graphics department. When they put the pictures on air they credited me. Haha, poor Dan, All the work and only half the credit.

Going For A Stroll

Taking the little guy out for the first time. Nothing big, just a walk around the neighborhood in his Escalade-like stroller! The kid has it all.


My precious and also gorgeous wife and my little champ. Just about everything anyone could ask for. They're the only way I get through some of these long days.