Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snow Day!

Talk about some serious snow fun! We made a giant snow shrek type creature that stares into our kitchen and a giant snow fort. And there's still snow to spare!

The Holidays Can Be Exhausting

All these new toys are just too overwhelming! I need a nap.

Christmas At The Castillos

If you've never experienced a Christmas at the Castillos, it's quite the adventure. Some of this year's highlights included a new sony blu-ray player, the hottest blu-ray discs out, a 22inch widescreen computer monitor, and oh yea a 1080p high def flat panel LCD. We are grateful and humbled by their generosity.

A White Christmas!

This had to be one of the snowiest Christmases in Pleasant Grove history! Turns out this was only the calm before the storm. The rest of the day was nothing but white-out blizzard-like conditions!! A white Christmas to be sure!

Bingham Family Christmas Eve Program

Starting off with some sushi appetizers then on to the main event, prime rib! After that, the annual Christmas Eve program. This is where we unveil the Bingham family motto for the year. This year's theme is "Hold On Thy Way". The evening is always very well put together and always a great time. This year was no exception.

Getting To Know Uncle Weirdo

Ryler got a good dose of his Uncle Jared on Christmas Eve. Not sure he knew what to think of him ;)

Harley Ryler

A special Christmas surprise for Grandma and Grandpa Castillo. The best part is we built our own little photo shoot studio in our front room!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Big Boy!

Does this diaper make me look fat?

Christmas Eve Brunch!

Starting a new Bingham family Christmas tradition. Brunch! Nothing like a tradition designed around food!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Playin' With My Toys

Ryler really loves playing with all of his toys! Especially the one his big sister gave him!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Camera Shy

This little guy does not like posing for pictures. Just seconds ago he was laughing, smiling from ear to ear and just chatting it up. But the second the camera comes out he just gets this blank stare. Every time without fail. Luckily he's still the cutest thing ever even with a blank stare :)

Havin' A Good Time

Ryler has loved being with his aunts and uncles and grandma and grandpa and favorite cousin this weekend! He's been so cute and we've all just laughed our guts out all weekend long!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What A View!

Spending the weekend in Midway with the family. This is the view out of mine and Mindy and Ryler's room from our balcony! We are having SO much fun!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Utes!

Ryler's first Holy War was a good one. 48-24 Utes! BCS Busters once again!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Obsessed doesn't come close to describing my love affair with Gears of War 2. From the campaign to the online multiplayer to the unbelievably cool and fun horde mode to the limited edition gold plated lancer, I just can't get enough! Chainsaw battles and plantable frags... I can't think of anything I don't absolutely love about this game! The variety of available executions, new weapons, bigger bader enemies, unbelievably engrossing worlds, massive and epic battles, the game has it all and so much more! I can not overstate how much I love this game!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tummy Time Champ!

Look how good the little guy is coming along! What a stud ;)

Carnival Fun

Madi went to a carnival with her grandma (my mom) and had the time of her life! From face painting to prize drawings and donut bobbing I think it's safe to say a great time was had by all. And I was eternally grateful for Grandma's help because Ryler was requiring enough attention on his own. It's so nice to have a mom who will step in and help out like that. She's probably the funnest grandma ever and has been a real life-saver more than once.

Oh Snap!

All of my wildest dreams have come true! After pre-purchasing the limited edition 9 months ago my life is finally complete! If you don't hear from me for the next 6 months you know where I'll be!

Reading Time

Everyone loves listening to Madi read. She is so good at it!

Best Big Sister

Madison flew out to see her little brother and take family pictures. She is such a great big sister and Ryler just loves her. He always smiles when she's around and if he's having a hard time Madison knows just how to make him happy.

Black Is Beautiful!

What a game! The most thrilling 70 seconds of football I've been a part of! I screamed myself sick!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I think for Mindy there's nothing scarier than an Xbox pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Check out this little pimp daddy! Stylin' in his three piece. What a freakin' stud!

Make Way For The Champ

We went to witches night out at Gardner Village with Turin and Justin and Lindsay (more pics to come). Turin and Ryler wore matching outfits. I thought Ryler looked like a fighter getting ready for battle. A very cute fighter.

Unsuccessful Tummy Time

The little guy doesn't really get into tummy time. Haha, poor guy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Never Let Go

The little guy got about a million shots yesterday and I got to spend the day helping him be comfortable. He was the perfect angel and fell asleep holding onto my finger with both hands! I didn't want him to ever let go.

Emergency Grocery Run

Mindy and I have started doing this dinner thing where we alternate nights to make fun dinners. Monday was my first night so Ryler and I went on an emergency run for pineapple slices for my pineapple, chicken, and steak kabobs! They turned out ok :)

The End Of An Amazing Week!

What an incredible week with my precious son! I had the week off of school so we were together every single day! He was the perfect angel all week and we had some of the greatest times together. He cuddled with me every day and it just felt like I could understand what he was trying to communicate to me when he would be fussy and I was able to make it better. Might seem like no big deal to a lot of people but it was a monumental miracle for me. A week I will never forget!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More Birthday Fun

Madison had these pictures on her family blog and they were just too cute so I had to steal them and post them on mine! I had such a great time playing games with Madi and getting to know all of her friends. We all had a big time SpongeBob birthday blast!

Daddy's Delightful Day

Monday was the most incredible day with my precious son! In the past, for whatever reason, Ryler has always had a hard time with me taking care of him. Mindy says he's always pretty good for her and for our moms, but when it's Daddy's turn he usually spends hours on end in inconsolable crying fits. But yesterday was like a whole new world. He slept peacefully and cuddled with me for hours and hours. Even when he was awake he was just being cute and fun. I couldn't stop staring at him and thinking about how happy he makes me or how much I absolutely love him! It was a real treat and I can't wait to spend some more quality time with him again today.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Napping With My Buddy

There really is no better feeling in this world than this right here! It's amazing how much you can love something.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Saying Goodbye Is Hard To Do

Sadly, Sunday afternoon my birthday celebration trip came to an end. It's never easy to say goodbye but this time was especially hard! We just had so much fun and got to be just the two of us for most of the time. We played some fun games in the front yard before I had to leave for the airport and Madi even gave me a beautiful flower :) It was so hard and so sad to say goodbye. I love my princess so much! I wish we could be closer all the time. But we had one of the most fun weekends together we've ever had. Happy Birthday my big 6 year old princess. Daddy loves you!

Chuck E Cheese's

After we got bored of the beach, wish we coulda gone swimming, we decided to go to Chuck e Cheese's. It was fun. We had pizza and burned through tokens. I just love spending time with my princess! :)

Moonlight Beach

On Sunday morning we went to the beach just down the street from Madison's house. It's one of my favorite beaches ever. Being there makes it hard to not pick up and move out. We pretty much just walked around and played silly games with candy. We played at the park a little bit too. Madi was being so funny it cracked me up!